Stop & Breathe.

I don’t know about you…but sometimes I do actually forget to breathe. Most of the time it’s when my anxiety begins to creep in from a level 1 and rapidly becomes a level 13 (On a scale 1-10). Thankful for my inhaler though.

So try. Try so hard to stop your brain. I know it’s almost impossible. I get it. I deal with this every single day.

I wish I could tell you why it happens and why it’s so damaging and why it is absolutely terrifying and I wish I could tell you how to stop it completely and how to never have an anxiety or panic attack again…I wish I could tell you, but I cannot.

I don’t have all of the answers, but I have experience and I hope I can be somewhat of assistance to you. The best thing is to try and try again.

Stop that thought, that memory, that image in your mind, stop it right as it begins to torment your soul. Try to not let it take control over you. You are STRONG.

Breathe in that fresh air. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

I won’t tell you to get over it, I won’t tell you to calm down, I won’t tell you to just relax, I won’t tell you that you are overreacting and I won’t tell you to stop stressing.

I will encourage you to try to work through your anxiety attacks and those episodes, because I know that eventually, you will. Go easy on yourself. Whatever you get through in this moment & whatever you get through today, let it be enough.

Affirmations for those struggling with anxiety:

  • I am strong and can preserve.
  • Everything will be okay. I am okay.
  • I did my best and I will learn from this.
  • My anxiety will not control me.
  • I am courageous and I can make it through.
  • This is only temporary.
  • I can and will overcome my fears.
  • I am capable of solving any problems that come my way.
  • I am safe.
  • I can take things one step at a time.
  • Worry can not change my circumstance.
  • Anxiety does not define me.
  • I have faith everything will work out.

(Some of you reading this post may not understand the crippling level of anxiety myself and others experience and that is okay. I hope you never do. What is not okay is to make us feel as if we are weak, too emotional, annoying, stupid, being irrational, etc. Again, NOT OKAY).

Friends, I really hope this helps you even the slightest bit. I am fully aware that this won’t magically take away all your anxiety (although I wish it could), I know it won’t take all mine away.

BUT, I also know that having people in your life who understand your anxiety and exactly what you go through day in and day out…helps. It helps to have those people you can reach out to when you’re in the middle of a breakdown and have nowhere to turn for help. It helps knowing that you’re feelings are valid and that you’re not alone. 

Please reach out. Don’t stay in your confined space and not let anyone in. (I do believe in boundaries and protecting your heart…so by all means, guard your heart). But, those you can trust enough to let them inside and help you, please let them. Like always, I am always here, even when I am struggling myself.

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