it’s a new day.

So the past 11 months –yes it has already been 11 months since we lost our baby– have been a series of roller coasters to say the least. Like if there was something 100x crazier than Six would be those kinds of roller coasters.

I went from a deep depression, to acting out, cutting people out, and..some days..hating what I had become. I was doing things that I NEVER would have done. Ever.

My mind literally took over in the worst way. I let the devil win. I finally woke up one day and decided NO MORE. I surrendered it all to God. I needed Him so much. I was afraid of myself.

I had tried my best to get back on track again and to pay attention to what was going on around me and inside of me and how I reacted to certain situations and people.

I had to shift my focus, shift it to Him. As I did this, my completely vulnerable self was terrified of what was going to happen. BUT I knew God was in control and that He wouldn’t look away when I cried out to Him. Instead, He looked straight towards me and promised He wouldn’t leave.

I finally am happy where I am at and I feel like MYSELF. I am getting the help I need and I have the love and support from my family and friends. I am so very thankful to have such amazing people in my life who never give up on me. These people who believe in me, help me believe in myself.



It’s a new day. It’s a new season.

REMEMBER: There is healing and victory in your story.

I would love to hear your stories, send me a message!

Until next time friends, sending my love your way.

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